eBITUG Feedback Survey Results

Below are the results of our survey requesting feedback from the attendees to eBITUG 2017 in London. In total we had 87 people respond from a total of 253 attendees.
It is pretty clear from the results that the event can be regarded as a huge success and special mention and thanks has to go out to our sponsor – CSP – for funding and organising the aqua shard event – a full 70% of attendees felt it was ‘better than expected’.
Thanks to all who responded to the feedback request and took the time to leave comments. It will really help us in preparing for another eBITUG in 2019.
On behalf of BITUG Committee – A huge thanks to all who made it possible.

Spring 2017 Chairman's Chat

Spring 2017 is here and this year BITUG is proud to be hosting the European NonStop Summit (eBITUG) in London on 9th and 10th May. The last time BITUG hosted a NonStop event as big as this was 10 years ago in Brighton, this time we are in central London and you are all cordially invited to attend. A lot of planning has taken place and discussions with other user groups and sponsors world-wide over the last couple of years to bring you this major event, the largest in Europe this year.

As you will see in newsletters and on our web pages, one of our keynote speakers will be Jimmy Treybig, the founder of Tandem Computers. Don’t expect him to spend the whole time reminiscing, though. He will also be looking forward the same way he did in the 1970s when he started Tandem Computers and saw a gap in the market. We have a packed agenda, so much so, that we have had to assign more tracks than originally anticipated, the response for speaker sessions has been exceptional and there is a real buzz around the up and coming changes in NonStop technology.   

We have the whole of the first floor of the DoubleTree Hilton so there will be places where you can sit down and have a quite chat and other areas where you can be in the centre of networking area and vendors, and be the first to see and hear the latest NonStop updates.

We have two evening events: one on Monday the 8th May and one on Tuesday 9th May. Both of these will give you a great opportunity to network with worldwide representatives from HPE Senior Management, our vendor partners and other NonStop users. Read on for more details on what he have planned for this Summit meeting, this is definitely not one not to miss!

I am looking forward to seeing you in May, and don’t forget that the early Bird registration offer is only for those who book early. So register now for this premier event, numbers are limited. For all the latest updates on this event, including registration, agenda, sponsors and evening events, go to the eBITUG web page.

Neil Barnes
NonStop Management, Lloyds Banking Group
2017 BITUG Chairman

NSDEE Eclipse IDE version 6.0 YouTube vids

The following YouTube videos have been announced as a source of information and configuration for the recently announced NSDEE Eclipse IDE version 6.0.

HPE NSDEE Debugging Overview

HPE NSDEE Intro for Visual Inspect Users

HPE NSDEE 6.0 Command-line Breakpoints

HPE NSDEE 6.0 Debugging DLLs

VI is going into Limited Support this month, July 2016.

A trial version of NSDEE 6 is also available at the HPE software Depot. You need to sign in using an HPE passport. The trial version will expire after 60 days.

Feb 2016 Chairman's Chat

I’m Kevin Poultney, your BITUG Chairman for 2016. If this is your first visit you may be surprised to hear that if you are a British Isles HP NonStop end user, then both membership and the benefits of BITUG membership to you is FREE. To keep up to date on plans for 2016 and beyond join the BITUG mailing list by simply entering and submitting your Email address on the home page below left (event update mails are typically around 6 per year).  To make sure you receive your free Newsletter in the post, please click here.

This year we have a change from our normal schedule and the BIG SIG will be held at Trinity House on 12th May. Preceding this on the 11th May there will be and Education Day at the new HPE offices in London. The little SIG location and date are yet to be decided, but will likely be held in the second week of December.

We will be posting out Spring and Autumn Newsletters to our registered members. The newsletters will provide the latest NonStop news from HPE and include details of up and coming events including subject matter of the scheduled presentations from both Users and Vendors.

EBITUG is coming to London in spring 2017. Planning is under way to run this European NonStop User event in central London, dates are tentative, but likely to be 26th and 27th April,  or 9th and 10th  May 2017.

BITUG is run by a committee of BITUG members, for British Isles HP NonStop users. All committee members are volunteers, if you are interested in joining the committee please contact me, Chairman@BITUG.COM. You do not need to be a NonStop technical guru to be a member of the committee, just willing to give up a couple of hours of your time per month to help organise events.

Free membership and benefits including attendance to the events planned for 2016 could not be achieved without the invaluable help from our Vendor Members listed to the right of this article so a big THANKYOU from BITUG for their continued support in 2016. 

Your feedback is important, without it your committee can only assume it’s doing a good job! If you do have any ideas for consideration that could help the BITUG Committee to serve you better, please let me know Chairman@BITUG.COM. Tell your colleagues about us and the various events that as a user we hope you will find invaluable.

Kevin Poultney

Chairman, BITUG.

BrightStrand International Limited

September 2015 Chairman's Chat

Looking at the recent announcements from both HP and BITUG reminded me a dialog between the Red Queen and Alice in Lewis Carrol’s novel, Through the Looking Glass.

 “Well, in our country,” said Alice, still panting a little, “you’d generally get to somewhere else — if you run very fast for a long time, as we’ve been doing.”

“A slow sort of country!” said the Queen. “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

HP have running on the NonStop platform for years making sure their competitors don’t catch up, this year they have made two announcements which means they are now running twice as fast. The first that they are splitting into two companies, the PC and Printing is separating from the Enterprise part of the company. Those who can remember when Tandem was merged with Compaq, the PC business and Mainframe business needed to be handled differently and the issues that occurred. HP has been good at their management of these diverged entities but the split will help even more. Not just one new range of computers have been announced by HP for the NonStop but two have been announced by HP, the HP Integrity NonStop X NS7 X1 and the HP Integrity entry level NonStop X.

BITUG have not also been jogging along, in the last we have tried two new venues one Great George Street and HMS Belfast both were a success from the comments we have had back, next year we plan to move the BigSIG to May and the little SIG to December, this will allow us in 2017 to host the European NonStop regional user group meeting. Continuing with the metaphor, we are your user group and we do need to know if we are running in the right direction for you.

We are hoping to have one of the new HP Integrity NonStop X at Trinity House; this is under discussion as it will be at HP Discover on the Tuesday to Thursday 1st- 3rd December. For the latest information about BITUG and it community see WWW.BITUG.COM.

Hope to see you on the 3rd or 4th December.

Neil Barnes

Chairman BITUG.